viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2019


My students have read a hystorical text in the classroom and they have used the tool Timetoast to create a timeline on the text. On the right you may find  the text and  below the links to a pair of the timelines created:

With this text we have tried not only to enlarge students knowledge about English history but also to broad students vocabulary on the topic of the unit which is "Journeys and Explorers" I consider this text a suitable one to use Timetoast as it helps students to focus on relevant information and to summarize the text effectively. 
To prepare the activity, students have work in pairs.We have moved to our computers room and  first , they have read the text fully during a few minutes. Then , I have aked them to solve all possible doubts regarding vocabulary and finally I have asked them to take note of the important dates the text mentions. Afterwards I have asked them to open Timetoast in their computers and we have gone step by step. The only problems we had have been  those regarding signing up in the website and also that some of the students didn´t have time enough to end up the activity and they had to do it at home (thing they didn´t enjoy much)
I´m satisfied with the result of the activity as students always enjoy using computers, working in pairs and moving to another classroom different to their own, so all these are among the advantages. 
Regarding things I would improve next time, I would mention the distribution of students as the pairs were clearly unbalanced, in the sense that students with a high level of the language worked together whereas much lower ones where in the same pairs. 
Timetoast helped me to achieve my objectives as students where highly motivated when dealing with the text. What is usually a dull activity, it turned out into a motivating one as they grasped form the beginning they were about to do something innovative and creative. It also fosters competitivity since as students had a look to their mates´ tasks they tried to improve theirs and finally students learned about the topic as they were eager to look up in the web pictures and extra info to fulfill their timelines. 

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2019

Here we have a video I would like my students would watch at home . The protagonist of this video is a young Ducth man ,who being  just a teenager, decided to do something effective to take care of our oceans. It was during his holidays in Greece when he realised there were more plastics than fish in the sea.
 I have chosen this video as we very usually deal with Ecology in our lessons and also because students  may easily feel close to the protagonist as he was just 16 when started working on his project. I consider this boy extremely inspiring. 
Before watching the video ,  I would ask my students to research on the protagosnist. In this way they will learn how Slat started helping the oceans at a very young age (similar to that of our students) and how he started with only a few euros in his saving box. After researching , they will write a summary on the information they have found using their own words. 
While watching the video at home, students will have to answer some listening comprehension questions. Some of them are multiple choice and some open questions.
Finally, after the end of the video , I will ask them to record themselves on a video or a podcast explaining one more idea to help  cleaning up oceans  and to include an slogan to support Slat´s project. 
All the task will be done at home and we will see the results in the classroom. 


jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2019
Do you want to train yourself on listening real conversations?
I love reading... what about you ?

   Reading can be one of the most pleasant activities or one of the most hated ones . What’s the difference? I think that the difference lays on whether you do it on your own choice and / or desire or on if it is imposed. As every single activity, reading is an activity you enjoy if you are fond of it. You can’t expect anyone will like drawing or skating if she or he doesn’t enjoy it. Consequently this is on of the greatest problems we must face as teachers. How can we manage to make our students read and what is more , make them enjoy it?
  I actually love reading and I don’t know the reason why as I had never seen my parents reading at all as they were almost illiterate. However, I really think it is a habit that may grow up out of imitation. I clearly remember a TV advert many years ago meant at developing reading habits among kids . The slogan went something as : “ If you read ( and we could watch some parents reading at home), they read ( and we were shown kids imitating their parents  reading habits)” I consider these advertisers were right though there are of course exceptions and it shouldn’t be taken for granted that there will be good readers out from the homes of great readers. 
  Regarding the pictures, I would say that of course they aren’t reading the same types of books, first of all, for obvious reasons such as the ages of the people in them and secondly for the scene were the pictures are taken . I really love the one in black and white where we can see a mother reading along with ( who seems to be) her daughter. I like it because that picture ,though it looks like been taken fifty years ago , it could have been taken just yesterday. I usually read together with my eight years old girl and I think we look quite similar to these two people in the image. 
  I would also comment on the one where we can see and old lady reading on a tablet or ebook. I love seeing old people using new gadgets and technology as it is a hard work for me and definitely I don’t change the experience of reading a paper book for reading on a screen . Sorry to say this but at least for me it is not the same at all. I would love to be able to enjoy a digital book but up to know it is impossible for me!
   Finally I just want to comment on the books I read as a first or second language reader, as they are basically the same. I love novels , I love the classics and I love reading History too, it doesn’t matters whether in English, Spanish or French . 

On this web you will be able to train your ear listening to the most updated list of music:

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2019

Hi everyone! This blog will help you to cope with English with a handful of resources an links to make this task as easy as possible
Here you have some useful webs to help you :                                

We all know that dealing with a second language is a hard work but don’t throw in the towel . Here you have a few tips you can follow to help you speak up:

1. Conversation, conversation and more conversation with people better than you.
2. Keep practicing in your head.
3. Wear a pocket or on line dictionary with you all the time
4. You are going to say a lot of stupid things. Accept it. Leave shyness behind.
5. Use audio and short courses like this for basic grammar
6. When you learn a new word, try to use it a few times right away.
7. TV, films, radio, music and newspapers are a good help.
8. Think in the language you are trying to speak.
9. Be consistent.
10. Go ahead and get started. 


Do you love reading? Test yourself on your knowledge of the language:

Final task: Genially

As a result of my visit to Pablo Ocaña´s blog , I decided to borrow his idea of designing my final on crosscurricular aspects. He focused on...