viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2019


My students have read a hystorical text in the classroom and they have used the tool Timetoast to create a timeline on the text. On the right you may find  the text and  below the links to a pair of the timelines created:

With this text we have tried not only to enlarge students knowledge about English history but also to broad students vocabulary on the topic of the unit which is "Journeys and Explorers" I consider this text a suitable one to use Timetoast as it helps students to focus on relevant information and to summarize the text effectively. 
To prepare the activity, students have work in pairs.We have moved to our computers room and  first , they have read the text fully during a few minutes. Then , I have aked them to solve all possible doubts regarding vocabulary and finally I have asked them to take note of the important dates the text mentions. Afterwards I have asked them to open Timetoast in their computers and we have gone step by step. The only problems we had have been  those regarding signing up in the website and also that some of the students didn´t have time enough to end up the activity and they had to do it at home (thing they didn´t enjoy much)
I´m satisfied with the result of the activity as students always enjoy using computers, working in pairs and moving to another classroom different to their own, so all these are among the advantages. 
Regarding things I would improve next time, I would mention the distribution of students as the pairs were clearly unbalanced, in the sense that students with a high level of the language worked together whereas much lower ones where in the same pairs. 
Timetoast helped me to achieve my objectives as students where highly motivated when dealing with the text. What is usually a dull activity, it turned out into a motivating one as they grasped form the beginning they were about to do something innovative and creative. It also fosters competitivity since as students had a look to their mates´ tasks they tried to improve theirs and finally students learned about the topic as they were eager to look up in the web pictures and extra info to fulfill their timelines. 

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