jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2019

I love reading... what about you ?

   Reading can be one of the most pleasant activities or one of the most hated ones . What’s the difference? I think that the difference lays on whether you do it on your own choice and / or desire or on if it is imposed. As every single activity, reading is an activity you enjoy if you are fond of it. You can’t expect anyone will like drawing or skating if she or he doesn’t enjoy it. Consequently this is on of the greatest problems we must face as teachers. How can we manage to make our students read and what is more , make them enjoy it?
  I actually love reading and I don’t know the reason why as I had never seen my parents reading at all as they were almost illiterate. However, I really think it is a habit that may grow up out of imitation. I clearly remember a TV advert many years ago meant at developing reading habits among kids . The slogan went something as : “ If you read ( and we could watch some parents reading at home), they read ( and we were shown kids imitating their parents  reading habits)” I consider these advertisers were right though there are of course exceptions and it shouldn’t be taken for granted that there will be good readers out from the homes of great readers. 
  Regarding the pictures, I would say that of course they aren’t reading the same types of books, first of all, for obvious reasons such as the ages of the people in them and secondly for the scene were the pictures are taken . I really love the one in black and white where we can see a mother reading along with ( who seems to be) her daughter. I like it because that picture ,though it looks like been taken fifty years ago , it could have been taken just yesterday. I usually read together with my eight years old girl and I think we look quite similar to these two people in the image. 
  I would also comment on the one where we can see and old lady reading on a tablet or ebook. I love seeing old people using new gadgets and technology as it is a hard work for me and definitely I don’t change the experience of reading a paper book for reading on a screen . Sorry to say this but at least for me it is not the same at all. I would love to be able to enjoy a digital book but up to know it is impossible for me!
   Finally I just want to comment on the books I read as a first or second language reader, as they are basically the same. I love novels , I love the classics and I love reading History too, it doesn’t matters whether in English, Spanish or French . 

3 comentarios:

  1. The title of your post "May the taste for reading be taught?" caught my attention. As a teacher, I am always thinking how I could I make my students enjoy reading. I am not very sure the taste for reading can be taught, but surely we must try.
    We have similar experiences about reading. My mum did not read, my dad did, but not novels. He loved History and Art books. But I have been surrounded by books all my life. I can't remember when books became my hobby, they have been really important to me though and they still are.

  2. I believe that the taste for books rather than being taught can be stimulated. If motivating books are introduced from an early childhood and you see people around you reading, you will be more likely to read. However, as you pointed out form your personal experience they are not the only factors and this skill must be devoleped through our life.

  3. I agree with your reflection. Habits are important, but there are many people who do not find any pleasure in reading.


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