domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2019


I prepared a project with my 4th ESO students about cities and countries throughtout the world. The origin of the project was a reading text that dealt with some interesting places around the world. Therefore I asked my student to create a presentation about some major cities and/or countries . This is an outline of how we planned our projects:

1) We divided students in groups of 3. On this occasion,  I allowed students to create the groups on their own as the level of most of them were similar.
2 ) We wrote the name of as many cities/coutnries  as groups of students were in the class and  cut the names into small pieces of paper.We tried that all continents were represented. One spokeman from each group chose one the papers and in that way they chose the place they had to base their project on.
3) I explained them the characteristics of the projects:
    3.1 It should be done using Genially
    3.2. There should be at least 10 slides and all of them should have at least one image and some text
    3.3 It was an oral project so slides should just contain a brief outline on the information students                will hve to explain orally in front of the class.
    3.4. They could also bring any "extra supporting tool" they consider relevant to their expositions               (i.e.: flags, piece of clothing, souvenirs, food...)
    3.5. We devoted 2 sessions to start presentations at school but afterwards they had to finish their                 projects at home.
4) We set on day to start the expositions . It took us two sessions to see and evaluate all projects.
5) Evaluation of projects:
    5.1 Students self - evaluation : I asked students to evaluate their mates´work . effort and result givin reasons for their mark.
   5.2. Teacher´s evaluation: I evaluated them using a rubrica on oral projects taking into consideration use of the language, pronunciation, body language, etc..

This is not the first time I use this tool with my students since they enjoy it deeply and the result are quite astonishing . On this ocassion they took it so seriously that even brought to class bits of italian panninis and foccaccia for their mates to tate them. Really , really professionals!

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